Q. 238: Gurudev, how is it that some people are peaceful by birth even though they are not really doing any spiritual practices?

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

If you heard the yoga sutras of Patanjali – there are some people who are so by birth, some are peaceful because of their past impressions. They would have done these practices in some previous lifetime if not now. That has brought them peaceful impressions in this lifetime. If parents are very peaceful, mothers have a peaceful time during pregnancy – that also creates strong impressions. Some people have had a tough life from the very beginning – things don’t disturb them – they have endurance to disturbances.

Someone has lived in a noisy area, then any sort of noise doesn’t disturb them. How much stress you could handle, how much contrast you have experienced in situations, makes the difference. In third world countries, arguments don’t bother them. They fight and have tea together. You are not used to fighting and then sitting with them immediately. These are all how we have trained ourselves, our mind.

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