Q.132: Gurudev, can you please talk about Compassion?


Gurudev on compassion

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar:

In life there are three things which are essential: -1. Passion -2. Dispassion, and -3. Compassion --Passion is like breathing in, and Dispassion is like breathing out. -No one can say, ‘I want to only breathe in, I don’t want to breathe out.' Impossible! -So breathing in is essential, and that is Passion, for things in life. -Then, there is also a need for Dispassion. Dispassion means the ability to just let go of everything. Dispassion brings you relief and then Compassion becomes your nature. -So you must have Passion when you do work, Dispassion when you want to rest, and Compassion as your very nature. That is it!

Read from the official blog of Gurudev :

Why did the Buddha - the epitome of Compassion didn't forgive this person? - CLICK HERE TO READ
